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Garden tune up

Native Garden
Tune-up Service

On-site garden review, only $150*
Refresh your garden...

We will visit your home and help refresh your existing Native Garden by evaluating general plant health and pruning opportunities, and offering maintenance and plant replacement/addition suggestions. We will discuss each type of plant and do demonstration exercises together. This service is not the same as hiring a gardener to come out to your home, but rather is to train you on how to care for your garden as well as discuss any strange behaviors of your plants in order to help them look their best.


In a Native Garden, every season has its own unique needs. Learn how to care for your plants in the right way, at the right time. This will help keep your plants healthy and happy for many years. Often the steps are simple, enjoyable tasks to allow you to take a break and spend time in your garden. Most of our clients see no need for a weekly gardener once they learn how to care for their Natives.


Native plant expert, Anya Crane, will visit your home and spend one hour with you in your garden. You are welcome to take notes or film the instructions provided for care and maintenance practices. If you have empty spaces in your Native garden, she can also suggest appropriate plants and where to place them.


COVID-19 Protocols: All parties are requested to wear masks at all times and maintain distance when possible. Clippings are left on the ground or at a specified location, and tools are not shared. Our tools and hands are always cleaned before and after visits and this policy continues.


The fee for this service is $150*, plus travel fee based on location. Additional time can be booked in 15 minute increments if needed, however most appointments are concluded in one hour with all topics covered.


Appointments are available for select evenings and weekends.

* Note: Pest and disease identification are not a part of this consultation.

Garden design personlized for your space
New! Plant placement service

We can send an expert from Yerba Buena Nursery to put your plants (in their pots) where they are designed to be installed. This "plant siting" service costs only $150 per hour and is a great way to get you going on your garden project. We are able to site most of our designs within one hour's time.

Once your plants have been placed, you or your gardener will know exactly where each hole is meant to be dug. Get planting sooner, let us help!


Call (650) 851-1668 to make an appointment or send us a message.

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Yerba Buena

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Visit our store at Pastorino Farms

12511 San Mateo Rd. Unit C (Highway 92)
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

(650) 851 - 1668

Store hours

Tuesday - Saturday 9 am to 4 pm

(closed Sunday and Monday)

Yerba Buena Nursery is a retail nursery for walk-in customers. We are not a mail order business and we do not ship our plants.

We apologize, but there are NO DOGS ALLOWED at Yerba Buena Nursery. We can't risk visits by pets who are strangers, and there is no guarantee of shady parking, so please leave yours at home where they are cool and comfortable.

Mailing address

12511 San Mateo Rd. Unit C
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

We accept only checks or cash for payment. Please bring a check with you when you visit.

© 2020 by Yerba Buena Nursery

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