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Juniperus californica - California Juniper

Botanic Name

Juniperus californica

Common Name

California Juniper


H: 4-6 m. W: 3 m.


Summer Dry





California Juniper is a small, tough, multi-trunked tree with lots of visual character. The trunks on older trees have long strips of brownish bark and the foliage is a muted grey-green. Female trees form red-brown berrylike seed cones. A striking tree to serve as a focal point in a hot, dry, inland garden. Makes an excellent container plant and lends itself well to pruning for use as a hedge or bonsai. Native to most of California and east into Nevada and Arizona, this juniper favors the hot foothills of the interior or the desert mountains.

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24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


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