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Ribes nevadense - Mountain Pink Currant

Botanic Name

Ribes nevadense

Common Name

Mountain Pink Currant


H: 3-6' W: 3-6'


Occ. H20/Moist



Part Shade, Shade

Bee favorite

Bee favorite

Attribute detail


Native from San Diego to Oregon, the Mountain Pink Currant graces the woodland garden with deep pink flowers in spring. Although it occurs in nature at higher elevations than found in our area, it is still well suited to our climate. The Mountain Pink Currant has a more spreading habit than our local Currants, staying 3-6 feet tall and wide. Given light shade and occasional summer water, this shrub's flowers and fruit will attract hummingbirds and songbirds to your garden for years to come.

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24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


24" box


Prices are subject to change without notice. Please call (650) 851-1668 to verify price and availability for all plants.

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